Sunday 2 July 2017

Cow vigilantism: Retired IAS, IPS officers slam Modi govt in an open letter

A group of retired bureaucrats have written an open letter condemning the recent incidents of attacks and mob lynching in the name of cow protection. They have alleged that this is happening with tacit complicity of state machinery.

Narendra Modi offering food to a cow at the Krishi Mela Agricultural Fair at Limkheda in Dohad in May 2013


  • 1
    Retired IAS, IPS officers write open letter against cow vigilantism.
  • 2
    Ex-bureaucrats slam Modi government for not acting tough.
  • 3
    Retired officers appeal to government to check vigilantism.

Over 60 retired IAS and IPS officers have written an open letter to the Narendra Modi government asking it to enforce the rule of law and not allow vigilantism to grow.
The open letter has been signed by 65 officers including noted former bureaucrats Bhaskar Ghose, Harsh Mandar and Wajahat Habibullah.
The former administrators are particularly unhappy with the way self-appointed cow vigilantes are going around, attacking and lynching people in the name of protecting the animal. Majority of such attacks in recent past have had communal overtones.
They ex-bureaucrats said, "Gau-rakshaks function with impunity and seem to be doing so with the tacit complicity or active encouragement of state machinery."
The letter was written on June 24. However, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his 'anger' against cow vigilantism since then at public meeting in Gujarat.
Speaking at Sabaramati Ashram on Thursday, Prime Minister Modi warned those "taking law in their hands in the name of protection of cows."
They also expressed deep concern over growing intolerance in the universities across the country. They said, "Student groups and faculty members on campuses like Hyderabad and JNU, who raise troubling questions about equality, social justice and freedom, are subject to attack by the administration, with a supportive government to back them."
The retired top officials are also critical of the Centre's action against the NGOs for violating foreign contribution laws. "Several reputed NGOs and civil society organisations are being charged with violating the provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act and the Income Tax Act," they said.
They further said, "While we agree that genuine violators should be identified we note with dismay that several of the targeted groups are those who have taken stands against government policies, expressed dissent or supported communities in cases against the state."
"There is a growing hyper-nationalism that reduces any critique to a binary: if you are not with the government, you are anti-national," the retired IAS and IPS officers said, adding, "These actions undermine the rule of law and the Indian Constitution since only the state - through its various organs and institutions - has the power to enforce the law."
Following is the full text:
Open Letter by Retired Officials on the Growing Religious Intolerance
Saturday 24 June 2017
The following is an open letter of sixtyfive retired officials released on June 12, 2017.
We are a group of retired officers of All India and Central services of different batches, who have worked with the Central and State governments in the course of our careers. We should make it clear that as a group, we have no affiliation with any political party but believe in the credo of impartiality, neutrality and commitment to the Indian constitution. A sense of deep disquiet at what has been happening in India has prompted us to write this open letter to chronicle our reservations and misgivings about recent developments in the body politic. What has gone wrong?
It appears as if there is a growing climate of religious intolerance that is aimed primarily at Muslims. In Uttar Pradesh, in the run-up to the elections, an odious and frankly communal comparison was made between the relative number of burial grounds and cremation grounds. The question was also asked as to whether electricity was being supplied equally to different communities during their religious festivals. All this without any basis in fact or evidence. The banning of slaughter-houses targets the minorities and affects their livelihoods as well. Such intolerance breeds violence in a communally charged atmosphere-even to the extent of a local leader in UP provoking an attack upon the residence of a Superintendent of Police, whose family was terrorised.
Vigilantism has become widespread. An Akhlaq is killed on the basis of a suspicion that the meat he has is beef and a Pehlu Khan is lynched while transporting to his place two cows he had bought and for which he had the necessary papers. Nomadic shepherds are attacked in Jammu and Kashmir on some suspicion as they practice their age-old occu-pation of moving from one place to another along with their cattle and belongings.
 Punitive action against the perpetrators of violence does not take place promptly but cruelly, the victims have FIRs registered against them. The behaviour of vigilantes-who act as if they are prosecutor, judge and executioner rolled into one-flies in the face of law and juris-prudence. These actions undermine the rule of law and the Indian Constitution since only the state-through its various organs and insti-tutions-has the power to enforce the law.
Vigilantism has become popular as 'anti-Romeo' squads threaten young couples who go out together, hold hands and are perhaps in love with each other. A thinly-veiled effort to prevent a Hindu-Muslim relationship or marriage, there is no justification in law to harass these couples, particularly when there is no complaint from the woman of being ill-treated.
Student groups and faculty members on campuses like Hyderabad and JNU, who raise troubling questions about equality, social justice and freedom, are subject to attack by the administration, with a supportive government to back them. In Jodhpur, a planned lecture by a renowned academic was cancelled under pressure and the faculty that organised the event subjected to disciplinary action. What happened in Jodhpur has happened at other institutions as well. Argumentation and discussion about different perspectives-the life-blood not only of institutions of learning but of democracy itself-are being throttled. Disagree-ment and dissent are considered seditious and anti-national. Such attitudes have a chilling impact on free speech and thought.
Several reputed NGOs and civil society organisations are being charged with violating the provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act and the Income Tax Act. While we agree that genuine violators should be identified and penalised, we note with dismay that several of the targeted groups are those who have taken stands against government policies, expressed dissent or supported communities in cases against the state.
We are also seeing an ugly trend of trolling, threats and online intimidation of activists, journalists, writers and intellectuals who disagree with the dominant ideology. How does this square with free speech?
There is a growing hyper-nationalism that reduces any critique to a binary: if you are not with the government, you are anti-national. Those in authority should not be questioned- that is the clear message.
In the face of a rising authoritarianism and majoritarianism, which do not allow for reasoned debate, discussion and dissent, we appeal to all public authorities, public institutions and constitutional bodies to take heed of these disturbing trends and take corrective action. We have to reclaim and defend the spirit of the Constitution of India, as envisaged by the
founding fathers.

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